

Transportation Options 
Tri Town Connector is available to Stockbridge residents of all ages within the towns of Great Barrington, Egremont, West Stockbridge and Monterey with limited service to Pittsfield, for more info call 413 591-3826 between the hours of 8am and 4 pm (handicapped accessible) 
Wheels for Wellness: Wheels for Wellness provides free rides to Berkshire County residents to medical appointments. To inquire about volunteering or if you need a ride, please contact 413-499-9345 or 413-395-0109. Rides are provided daily Monday-Friday 8:30am-5PM. 
Veterans Transportation Soldier On is partnering with the BRTA to provide transportation to veterans and their family members in Berkshire County. For more information visit: or call 413-418-4300 or 855-483-8743.


See Transportation Services Here